MP3/WMA Player
Programming Language:C# (in .NET)
Source Code
Note: This player will soon be available for download at in exchange for a donation to the site.
- Once songs are added either by using the add/or ope buttons, the rest of the buttos become enabled
- Playlists are simple text files
- The open button's function checks to make sure that a .txt file has been selected before it opens and reads
the file
- Behind-the-scenes, a hard-working string array is used to maintain the playlist
- When a song is deleted, that position in the string array is set to null and the non-null values are copied
into a temporary string array, the playlist string array is redefined at the new length and the temporar string
array's values are copied into the new playlist string array
- When a song is added to a previous playlist, the temporary array is used again to redefine and recreate the
playlist string array
- The Microsoft Agent is used to call the simple functions along the top of the application
- The info button gives a brief background of the application, including a link to the online user guide
- A user guide was created and can be found online at
- An installation executable was created using .NET to bundle the primary output files of the application with
its dependent libraries
Classs Average
Programming Language:C# (in .NET)
executable file
Source Code
- when user enters in a Student ID and Grade, the "Enter Grade" button is enabled
- when "Total Students" number matches how many Student ID/Grade combinations, "Average" button is enabled
- adds Student ID and Grade to list box, with information separated by tabs
- when additional information entered beyond number specified in "Total Students" box, "Total Students" number is auto-incremented
- "Average" button clears all text boxes and displays average grade value in the list box
- after grades are averaged, changes to the Student ID box clears everything
- "Start Over" button clears everything any time during the application runtime
Registration Retrieval
Database Type : MySQL
Programming Language : PHP
Source Code
- asks for Registration ID (user_id) for any registrant
- retrievs all the information from the ten tables in the Registration database
- if the registrant is not signed up for any activities, geology trips, etc., prints to the screen that the person is not signed up for such an activity
- prints to the screen the Registration ID (user_id) and names of any accompaniers the registrant may have
Cave Trips Sign-ups
Database Type : MySQL
Programming Language : PHP
Source Code
- asks for Registration ID, First Name, Last Name, first three Cave Trips choices (pull-down menus)
- checks that all fields are entered
- uses First Name and Last Name to check if the person is registered for Convention
- compares the entered Registration ID with the ID found in the database for the person
- checks to make sure that user has not the same trip for at least two of his/her choices
- registers the person for the Cave Trips is preference order if s/he is registered for convention and has entered the correct information
- requests user to fill out additional questionaire if s/he is applying for a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday trip
Digital Sessions Sign-ups
Database Type : MySQL
Programming Language : PHP
Source Code
- asks for Registration ID, First Name, Last Name, Desired Session (pull-down menu)
- checks that all fields are entered
- uses First Name and Last Name to check if the person is registered for Convention
- compares the entered Registration ID with the ID found in the database for the person
- dynamically enforces data integrity as users can sign up for both Photoshop sessions, but only one Cartography session
- registers the person for Digital Cartography if s/he meets all the requirements
- if the session is already full, notifies him/her that s/he is on the wait list and will be contacted if a spot opens up
2003 National Speleological Convention's Registration Database
Database Type : MySQL
Original ER Diagram
User Table SQL Script
Registration Table SQL Script
Activities Table SQL Script
SFBC Bariatrics Program Database
Database Type : Oracle 8i
SQL Script for Initial Database Status
* SQL script has been modified to uphold patient confidentiality
Aerosmith Album Database
Database Type : Oracle 8i
* SQL script will be completed and posted on this site in the future!
Original ER Diagram
Excel Sheet of Album Information
SQL Statement Examples
Note:: ER Diagrams by other developers that I critiqued are not for view on this website. |